Struggling against the crisis in Portugal, a mother doubles up jobs to pay the bills since her husband is unemployed. Their teenage daughter tries to keep living her everyday life even if the money’s running short and makes everything uneasy. Escaping from their common reality, they slowly become strangers to one another, as the tension grows in silence and in guilt. It is a growing tension that never explodes. (Teresa Villaverde)
Director's Biography
TERESA VILLAVERDE, born in Lisbon in 1966, appeared as an actress in João César Monteiro’s Hovering Over the Water, worked as an assistant to Paulo Rocha and as a co-writer with José Álvaro Morais and João Canijo. She made her international breakthrough with The Mutants. // Films (selection): A Idade Maior (Alex, 1991), Três Irmãos (1994), Os Mutantes (The Mutants, 1998), Água e Sal (Water and Salt, 2001), A Favor da Claridade (2003, doc), Transe (Trance, 2006; CE’07), Cisne (Swan, 2011), Venezia 70: Future Reloaded (2013), Pontes de Sarajevo (Bridges of Sarajevo, 2014), Colo (2017)
European Panorama Fiction 2017
Teresa Villaverde
Portugal / France 2017
136 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Teresa Villaverde
Cinematography Acácio de Almeida
Editing Rodolphe Molla
Sound/Sounddesign Joël Rangon, Vasco Pimentel
With João Pedro Vaz, Alice Albergaria Borges, Beatriz Batarda, Clara Jost, Tomás Gomes, Dinis Gomes, Ricardo Aibéo, Simone de Oliveira, Rita Blanco
Producer(s) Teresa Villaverde (Alce Filmes, PT), Cécile Vacheret (Sedna Films, FR)
Alce Filmes
Austrian Premiere
Weltpremiere / World Premiere Berlin International Film Festival 2017
Premierenstatus / Premiere
Austrian Premiere