
With Praxis-1 I started an extensive video series, conceived in a structure of successively numbered scenes, which is parallel to all my other film/video works and paintings. Each part of the Praxis-series is approximately 20 minutes long. Both purely video works and also transformed reflections on a few of my 16mm films are shown, which have been put in a new light by means of electronic transformations of the picture. (Dietmar Brehm) Praxis-1 3 Szenen SATINA/FIGHT/PRIMA 2007, 23:08 MInuten Praxis-2 11 Szenen 1000 BLITZE/PARADE/FIT/MONITOR/SATURN/WOLKEN/SELEKTION/HIMMEL/CLIMAX/ÜBUNG/SCHWARZENSEE 2008, 20:10 Minuten Praxis-3 7 Szenen IDYLLE/TEST/ZENTRALE/BASIS-pH/ECHO/PENG-PENG/HALLO! 2008, 22:33 Minuten

Special 2008
Dietmar Brehm
Österreich 2008
Drehbuch Dietmar Brehm