EXTRACTS: Analog Cinema Experience | Autumn 2020
- Tribute VALIE EXPORT during the Ars Electronica 2020 (in cooperation with VALIE EXPORT Center Linz, Ars Electronica/AEC, Landesgalerie Linz, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Moviemento, sixpackfilm and Kunstuniversität Linz) | 9 to 13 September 2020
- Local Artists short film program 2020 in the Upper Austrian Culture Quarter, including a Nightline and film awards (in cooperation with OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH and CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria) | Autumn 2020
- Crossing Europe films in the City-Kino, every Tuesday at 6 pm (in cooperation with Moviemento / City-Kino and various events partners, such as AK OÖ/Kultur, afo architekturforum oö, HOSI Linz, and others) | Autumn and winter 2020
- Premieres of festival films at the Moviemento Sommerkino (in cooperation with Moviemento) | Summer 2020
- Films from the Night Sight at the eleventh /slash film festival in Vienna (in cooperation with the /slash film festival) | 17 to 27 September 2020
- Spotlight MARK JENKIN in the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna (in cooperation with Österreichisches Filmmuseum) | Autumn 2020