MIOB | Moving Images – Open Borders

CROSSING EUROPE strives to promote the cultural and solidary European idea not just with audiences and film guests in Linz, but in addition, is also substantially involved in the collaboration of film festivals throughout Europe. In 2017, the festival network MIOB | Moving Images – Open Borders was initiated for this purpose by CROSSING EUROPE and now comprises seven film festivals with a European program orientation.

Tribute 2023: Angeliki Papoulia (GR)

At its 20th edition, CROSSING EUROPE devotes its Tribute program section to Greek actor and theatre director Angeliki Papoulia, one of the most uncompromising and powerful actors of contemporary European auteur cinema.

YAAAS! Young Programmers 2023

The YAAAS! Competition will show six current European film productions that were selected by the YAAAS! Young Programmers. The Young Programmers for 2023 have already been selected and have been taking part in an introductory program into the curation process of a film festival.

Festival Anniversary 2023: 19 Successful Years in Figures


CROSSING EUROPE will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2023 as the second-biggest international film festival in Austria (behind Viennale). Over the years, it has become a fixture in the European festival circuit, establishing itself with both filmmakers and the specialized press at home and abroad as a hot spot of European cinema because of its quality and atmosphere.

20th CROSSING EUROPE: Save the Date!

In April 2023, there will be reason to celebrate: From April 26 to May 1, CROSSING EUROPE Film Festival Linz will be taking place for the 20th time, once again positioning Linz as a cinephile meeting place for European cinema with special attention to the young generation of European filmmakers.

Media Response 2022

Six months after the end of CROSSING EUROPE 2022, we present excerpts of this year's media response and press coverage, which can be read here.

MIOB in Shorts – Audience Award

Vote now for the „MIOB in Shorts“ Award 2022! For the Online Audience Award MIOB IN SHORTS (€ 1,000), 14 current European short films, nominated by the members of the European festival network Moving Images Open Borders, have been put to vote online until October 31. The MIOB IN SHORTS winning film will be awarded at FilmFestival Cottbus in November 2022.

Final Call: Film Submission until January 9

Work on the festival program for the 20th edition is already underway, which is why filmmakers are invited to send in their current films for the next festival edition. The deadline for submission is 9 January 2023. On our website you can find the conditions for entry, as well as the rules and regulations.

Special Screening: SONNE at Moviemento Linz

After the world premiere at the Berlinale and the opening this year's Diagonale, SONNE (AT 2022) is launching in Austrian cinemas! On September 13 at 8:00 pm there will be a special screening at Moviemento Linz in cooperation with our YAAAS! youth program.

LUX IN LINZ on 8 May

On May 8, Crossing Europe and Moviemento will present the three nominated films of the LUX Audience Award of the European Parliament at Moviemento Linz. Admission is free. You have the chance to see FLEE (DK/FR/NO/SE 2021, R: Jonas Poher Rasmussen), QUO VADIS, AIDA? (AT/BH/RO/PL/FR/NL/DE 2020, R: Jasmila Žbanić), and GROSSE FREIHEIT (AT/DE 2021, R: Sebastian Meise) on the big screen!

Cinema without Borders - Positive Festival Resume

For six days, Austria's third-largest film festival - after the Viennale and Diagonale festivals - presented cinemagoers with new perspectives from all over Europe. The program offered 148 hand-picked feature films and documentaries from more than 30 countries, with current socio-political but also artistic and eccentric works, highlights of the festival season and regional filmmaking.


Festival impressions, festival guests, and snapshots from the festival edition 2022 can be viewed HERE. The most beautiful #crossingmoments can be found on our channels: The Crossing Europe Photo Gallery (powered by SUBTEXT.AT) and our Instagram channel artfully set the scene for this year’s festival edition. Enjoy!